
Common Sense Government

Prioritize American Citizens

Billions of American tax dollars are used to fund conflicts and appease foreign governments while the most vulnerable in our own back yard struggle with keeping a roof on their head and food on the table. We need to put our own People first before sending money overseas.

End Legal Corruption

Today’s politicians serve their biggest donors, not their voters. It’s time to reform our campaigning rules to put an end to corporate control over elections by putting a cap on election spending.

Government of, by, and for the People

The Government needs to be controlled by the People, not the other way around.

We’re All on the Same Boat

The fastest way to ruin our country is to continue to plunge ourselves in debt. We should not place that burden on future young Americans. It doesn’t matter if you are on the stern of a sinking ship, because we are all going to hit the water eventually.

Fair Taxes, Smart Spending

We must create fair tax laws and end wasteful spending. If a new program needs funding, a tax needs to be made to fund it. Those who benefit most from our nation should contribute more to it. Those who need assistance should receive it.

Common Ground Policies

Families are Our Future

Everything starts with the home. Producing policies meant to protect children from harm, support families in need, and encourage strong family relationships will make a huge impact on everyday American lives.

Circumstances Matter

Both banning and unrestricted access to abortion is neither Common Sense nor Common Ground. Every situation is different and must be treated that way. At the same time, we need to tackle the underlying causes for abortions by placing responsibility on all parties involved in reproduction.

Investing in Education

If you want a better future, invest in young Americans. If you want to invest in young Americans, invest in their schools. Public Schools and Teachers are a cornerstone of our society, but don’t get the credit they deserve. More often than not, you get what you pay for. Increasing funding for high quality Teachers will result in high quality education.

Safe, Smart, Secure

Expert or novice, handgun or rifle, every American who exercises their ability to own a firearm should have knowledge on firearm safety and function, understand when and where it is acceptable to use a firearm, and an adequate place to keep a firearm away from persons who may misuse them. The best way to end confusion and tragedy with firearms is to help more Americans understand them.

Reasonable Regulation

Legalization of cannabis is an opportunity for America to increase revenue, promote new medical treatments, and decrease spending on drug enforcement, courts, and prisons. By regulating cannabis similarly to alcohol and tobacco products, we can provide for safe consumption – ending incidents of fentanyl laced drugs – while still prohibiting improper use by minors, drivers, and employees on the job.

Common Good Priorities

A Home, A Job, and A Way Around

There is no reason why Americans should be homeless, jobless, or without transportation. Whether it’s through new programs or private incentives, every American deserves an opportunity to live the American Dream.

Talk is Cheap, Action Speaks

We aren’t going to sit around waiting for election day to make a change. The Commonwealth Party pledges to make real positive impacts outside of politics. Whether that is organizing a community clean-up event or starting a food drive, we follow through with what we say.

Every Role is Important

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that not everyone will be a rocket scientist. But the men and women in the background who keep our nation moving are just as (if not more) important than those in the spotlight. Hardworking Americans deserve better lives, better benefits, and better pay.

Community Leadership

Some of the most important positions are in our local governments: school boards, county/town councils, and judicial officers. We want to be involved from the ground up. If we want to make lasting change, we need Common Sense and Common Ground leaders at every level.

Transparency and Truth

The People should know what our Government is doing. Closed door deals and hidden agendas need to stop. Publishers, Mass Media, and Billion Dollar Companies that push out content and news must be forced to provide the whole truth every time – not just when it fits their narrative.